Nonpareil Almond.  

FruitionOne is the world’s first self-fertile Nonpareil almond variety. This groundbreaking innovation allows almond growers to eliminate traditional pollenizer trees when planting Nonpareil almond orchards and is estimated to double mature orchard profitability.

FruitionOne Benefits

More Reliable Yields

Unpredictable weather during bloom can hinder pollination, especially when Nonpareil and pollenizer trees bloom at different times. FruitionOne eliminates this risk, ensuring more consistent annual yields.

Reduced Pollination Costs

Eliminating pollenizer trees reduces the need for commercial bee hives by 50% or more, lowering costs and creating a healthier environment for native pollinator populations.

Lower Harvest Costs

Without pollenizer trees, growers can streamline their harvest with a single pass per row, resulting in a 30%+ reduction in operating costs.

Enhanced Sustainability

FruitionOne contributes to a more sustainable almond production system. With improved production efficiencies, water use per almond produced can be reduced by as much as 50%.

Learn more about FruitionOne

FruitionOne trial orchard plantings are underway. FruitionOne will be available for early orders in 2025 with first commercial deliveries beginning in 2027.